



Proposition 10

On November 1998, California voters passed the California Children and Families Act of 1998. The act levies a tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products with the intent to provide funding for early childhood development programs, in addition to establishing a State Commission and local County Commissions for this purpose. 

First 5 CA





Request for Proposals

RFPFunding Opportunity Now Open: The Imperial County Children and Families First Commission has authorized the release of its Request For Proposal (RFP) for General Grant for the 2015-2017 funding cycle. The competitive RFP application process is for organizations interested in submitting proposals  that intend to offer services to children 0-5 years of age, their parents and/or caregivers. A total of $1,500,000.00 has been allocated for each year of the two-year cycle, beginning July 1, 2015. The maximum award for individual application is set at $250,000.00.

Important deadlines:
Deadline to submit the Letter of Intent to Apply – March 9, 2015
Deadline to submit RFP Proposals – March 27, 2015

Letters of Intent to Apply and RFP Proposals must be delivered to the following address no later than 4:00 pm of the deadline date:

Imperial County Purchasing
1125 Main Street
El Centro, CA 92243

The following is a listing of downloadable documents for individuals interested in submitting an RFP to the Commission:




Kits for New Parents


A great resource for parents from First 5 California. Order a kit today at no cost - call: (800) KIDS-025 or click here for more information.




Released: Community Development Mini-Grant FY 2025-2026



