



Proposition 10

On November 1998, California voters passed the California Children and Families Act of 1998. The act levies a tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products with the intent to provide funding for early childhood development programs, in addition to establishing a State Commission and local County Commissions for this purpose. 

First 5 CA





Strategic Plan 2022

First 5 Imperial recognizes the value of investing in, implementing and realizing activities that are intended to have a meaningful impact on children 0-5 years of age and their families. The methods for determining how the Commission works to idenF5ISP22tify where services are needed requires considerable thought and planning, which is what essentially defines First 5 Imperial’s Strategic Plan 2022.

The First 5 Imperial Strategic Plan 2022 underscores current issues affecting children and emphasizes why it is important to address these issues and support children at an early age. Measures to target meaningful outcomes for children 0-5 years of age have the ability to have lasting impacts on children well beyond the first years of life, which will benefit children, families and our community.

Please click on the following links to download this document or related information:





Kits for New Parents


A great resource for parents from First 5 California. Order a kit today at no cost - call: (800) KIDS-025 or click here for more information.




Released: Community Development Mini-Grant FY 2025-2026



