



Proposition 10

On November 1998, California voters passed the California Children and Families Act of 1998. The act levies a tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products with the intent to provide funding for early childhood development programs, in addition to establishing a State Commission and local County Commissions for this purpose. 

First 5 CA





Child Signature Program

The primary purpose the the Child Signature program is to provide opportunities to participating preschool centers that help support increasing the quality of these programs and learning for children 0-5 year of age. These preschool centers have all been identified as serving children in areas CSPTeacherswhere the educational divides is greatest - within elementary school catchment areas with Academic Performance Index (API) scores within the 1-3 decile.

The Program's Early Learning Specialist works directly with identified preschool centers for a combined 29 preschool classrooms, and supports these centers through a School Readiness Assessment Survey (RAS). The Child Signature Program will further facilitate trainings to preschool teachers using the early Education Effectiveness Exchange (E4), a resource developed by First 5 California designed to facilitate quality improvement in early learning centers and classrooms. Through the E4, the intention is assist preschool teachers, with the support of the Early Learning Specialist, in their desire to advance professional growth, knowledge and increase skills, as well as receive support for their educational goals. For more information on First 5 California's Child Signature Program and E4 click here.

In order to further support educational attainment, particularly for Child Signature Program preschool classrooms, the Commission designates a priority period for Child Signature Program preschool teachers and staff to receive the Professional Advancement for Childhood Educators Stipend Program. To view guidelines for this program click here.

The Child Signature Program is working with the following agencies:

Kits for New Parents


A great resource for parents from First 5 California. Order a kit today at no cost - call: (800) KIDS-025 or click here for more information.




Community Development Mini-Grant FY2024-2025 Application



