



Proposition 10

On November 1998, California voters passed the California Children and Families Act of 1998. The act levies a tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products with the intent to provide funding for early childhood development programs, in addition to establishing a State Commission and local County Commissions for this purpose. 

First 5 CA





Funded Program Reporting Forms

The following Quarterly Reporting forms are available for use by Contractors.


Grantee Reporting Forms



Data Collection Tools



For more information or support with reporting forms and data collection tools please contact Fernando Valenzuela at:

Phone Number: (760) 482-2986, or by email at:




Kits for New Parents


A great resource for parents from First 5 California. Order a kit today at no cost - call: (800) KIDS-025 or click here for more information.




Community Development Mini-Grant FY24-25 Awards



